I will write about the deepest issues any human being can face. What is Truth and what is of the nature of reality is going to be only one of the goals of this blog. These mini- lectures will force the reader to think deeply about life. But what could be grandeur than thinking about the deep things of Life and Truth and Love. As Mary Barker Eddy has stated, "The time for thinkers has come."
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Consciousness: and The Issues of Life and Death, and The Afterlife! An Eternal Consciousness in an Eternal Life! By: Mr. George D. Patnoe., Jr!
Lecture Two (2011) By: Mr. George D. Patnoe., Jr!
Actual Post was on Friday: January 27, 2012
Consciousness: and The Issues of Life and Death; And The Afterlife!
An Eternal Consciousness in an Eternal Life!
(Metaphysical Concepts Applied to Life and Death; And The Afterlife.)
Since the beginning of the observable cosmic universe, from the smallest atomic particle, to the biggest galaxy; since the beginning of life on planet earth, from the simplest and tiniest cellular cell in the oceans and seas, to the biggest dinosaur, to the biggest, toughest, strongest, and even smartest human being on earth, the issues of life and death have been an unavoidable experience for everything involved in the endless cycles of all of the various life forms, breathing or not breathing. It could be asked, and it should be asked in the modern age of new knowledge, new information, and new discoveries about life itself, meaning new states and levels of intelligence, and new and different states of consciousness about life on earth, can the old biological concept of life, the biological consciousness of life, and death, be changed to an eternal spiritual consciousness of eternal life, independent of all religious doctrines and theories?
In the current modern age of new and advanced knowledge and information, meaning higher levels of intelligence, where the collective human mind, but more specifically, individual minds are becoming more and more conscious new realms of life by studying and researching so many topics about life, especially mentally abstract topics; everything from how the brain operates, and the subject of what exactly is consciousness and life, to building bigger and more complex telescopes to view the external cosmic universe, meaning discovering new views and different dimensions of cosmic space and time, which are separate from the realm of space and time within the human mind, meaning withing the human consciousness, but both of which could be only dreamy states of temporary existence; to studying the very tiny cell in the human body, even to the point of cloning the human body and mastering the DNA; to studying all life on earth and their processes, and even searching for life in outer space; it is no wonder that one of the seemingly most mysterious and unavoidable mysteries of life, namely death or the seemingly end of life, is rarely, if ever discussed. Not to mention the afterlife!
Instead, the concept of death is trapped and stuck in the mind as an invisible boggle man who is simply out there somewhere, waiting to bait every living creature on earth, as a fisherman who is luring each fish into the grave of life outside the water. Moreover, many individual human minds are influenced by outdated emotional religious concepts, in one way or another, with fanciful religious and emotional childlike dreams about what may happen to them when they breath their last breathe. In other words, most people live their lives subconsciously knowing that their deaths will arrive someday, with a subconscious wishy-washy dreamy expectation that some part of who they are as a human being, might go to some place special, like a place called heaven, or to a bad place, like a place called hell, which by the way, have never been seen by any of the various types of modern day, powerful telescopes. This point is made because most people do not realize that the old concepts of heaven and hell were human conceptions a very long ago. Or some human beings simply believe that their biological bodies will simply be buried six feet under the ground, or be burned to ashes, which of course is the old caveman concept of life and death, just at the other animals view perceive life and death, as a purely biological state of life, and death, within each state of individual and collective consciousness. The issue of whether an identity of a human being is more than just a biological body is very important. Whether each individual state of consciousness is more of an identity than a biological body is an important issue for the issue of an afterlife.
Therefore, for many very primitive individual human minds, and for the collective human mind, meaning for most primitive states of the human consciousness, either those who lived very long ago, or for those who live in the current age of advanced information, knowledge, and intelligence too, the concepts of life and death are still perceived with the very simplest mental perceptions, and with the very simple mental models which the caveman had perceived the issue of life and death, while they roamed on planet earth, and while they also survived for so long, for so many years, with very their primitive brains and states of consciousness, and with their very primitive tools, and with very limited mental perceptions of intelligence and knowledge and information of what life is on earth, and in the cosmic universe, and but especially within the mind. With that being stated, credit should truly be given to pre-human beings, and pre-modern human beings for their survival instincts, and for their long lasting longevity, heritage, and legacy to the evolutionary process that we call life as a human species, on planet earth.
However, it has been millions of years, and hundreds of thousands of years, and tens of thousands of years, or some where in between, since those early caveman and early primitive human beings roamed and lived on earth; and that of the current modern day humans who now have different brains, along with different states of knowledge, information, and intelligence, but who also possess different states of consciousness than those pre-modern human species and early human beings who lived not that long ago. That is true even if in many ways we still possess a biological connection to the past, but the fact remains, that new modern mental models, with new conceptions and new perceptions of life should lead to new mental perceptions of life and death too. Even to the possibility of an afterlife!
In one sense, modern day human beings remain connected to the historical past by way of the similar biological body, and the similar biological processes that happen within the biological body, such as the biological eyes, and ears, and heart and lungs, and all of the basic operations that any biological body of any epic have been connected in some ways, but not in other ways. The simple differences regarding the very simplistic views of life and death from not so long ago, to the current modern age should be analyzed to understand why and how the views and perceptions regarding a life and death consciousness has evolved over the years to the current stage of mental development, and to the current state of human consciousness.
If we look back throughout history, the mental view and mental model, or state of consciousness that most of the any biological animal species, including the cavemen and most of the people that proceeded them, possessed a simplistic state of consciousness regarding life and death as their sole mental concept of what life is, and what death it too. Namely, namely the life in the biological form, a biological life with some simple or complex brain attributes that are differentiated among each animal species, as what is required for each specific biological species to survive, for as long as possible. In other words, the main goal of both the biological brain and body was to eat food, avoid being killed, only to die sometime, somehow, in some way.
Some archaeological findings have suggested that the earliest cavemen roamed the earth with no thought about dying and death. In other words, they were not truly conscious of death as an actually event; because they were living in an undeveloped conscious state of mind, a simplistic state of consciousness, similar to children who live happily if they are not exposed to killing, murder, dying, and death, such as during a world war, or lately by watching the wrong television shows. So they simply left their dying and dead fellow cavemen to die, and to be eaten by other animals or to rut in the hot sun, or to freeze in the cold ice. In other words, their simple brains and their simple state of consciousness were more a robotic biological life form than any sense of an advance state of a higher, more advanced state of intelligent consciousness. That mental condition probably existed in many life forms throughout life on earth, and still do, while at the same time there were life forms that were aware of the difference of staying alive, versus not being alive.
But at some point in time, in history, at some point in the development of consciousness within the caveman’s mind, the cave people became aware that their fellow cave people were dying or had died, and therefore were no longer alive. In other words, they were conscious that their biological life had ended, that their biological body had stopped moving. They became aware that the biological body was disposable. The primitive cave mind did not possess an advance understanding of biological life, of plant life, of cosmic life, (meaning they possessed a very simplistic consciousness), while at some time, they began burial practices and even rituals for those who had biologically died. In other words, they began to treasure not only the biological life of their fellow caveman, but they began to treasure life itself; even the limited biological life.
Therefore, some where along their historical time line, their minds, their consciousness, began to ignite a spark of preciousness with regard to their dying and their dead with a sense of lost and sorrow; grief or lost of love; just as people still do today, in all the various cultural burial rituals around the world. In short, they possessed a consciousness of a biological life and a biological death, but also a deeper, more profound sense of life and living. But they still possessed a very simplistic concept of life, and of death too! But they still possessed a very simple state of consciousness, even with an underdeveloped brain! Compared to today’s standards of brain and consciousness development. But they had risen a bit up the scale of awareness.
But now death and dying possessed meaning, even if it was not understood, at all. And so did the biological concept called life, even if it was not understood either. Then the realities of life and death, as external realities became part of their very limited consciousness and self-awareness, and also as a way of life, up to the present day. That meant that when the cave people were aware that they would die, it could be again safe to assume that they then tried to avoid dying and death as much as possible, just as animals and modern day humans try to avoid death and dying today. To live as long as possible became a goal for the individual and the collective species.
Modern day humans walk on two feet just as the cavemen once did, all trying or not trying to avoid death, all trying to live as long a life as possible, sometimes within a life without human suffering, but sometimes with much suffering. Just as the animals do, at least most of them. The goal of not being eaten by other creatures seems to have been past down from generation to generation, it is in all living creature’s nature. Everyone knows they definitely know they do not want to die, that they try to avoid death, or being killed. They know that they want to live, to remain alive. Even the animals possess a simplistic concept of life and death, even if they do not possess the exact consciousness as human beings. A simple goal. Live as long as possible. Do not be killed. Do not die.
Most modern day human beings, with their different brains and human minds, still possess a very simplistic caveman type of consciousness regarding life and death, even if they live in an age of advanced technology: fast cars and fast food, portable phone and computers, etc
On the other hand, there are other human beings, or human minds that possess new conscious understanding of how biological life operates, how all earthly life operates, how the human brain operates, even how the cosmic universe operates, (at least partly), but definitely better than all previous creatures, cavemen, and human beings that lived before them. But the issue of what consciousness is, how it has developed, and how it relates to death, goes un answered.
In other words, there are now currently different conscious states and levels of knowledge and information that relate to the different aspects of life, and how those various states of life operate, which means there are different states of consciousness regarding life too, states of consciousness that are usually more complex than the simplistic concept of death. That means that different states of human consciousness (s) conceive and perceptive life on earth and in the mind very differently than the simplistic animals and cavemen, and even some modern day human minds too.
On one very basic level, animalistic mental perceptions about life and death, which most animals and human beings perceive themselves to be as only biological bodies with a brain, and nothing else, are still the common model of consciousness relating to life and death. That applies to the most developed brain on earth, even if those developed brains use their brains for such abstract topics such as mathematics or music or economics or building space ships and computers, or even to understand very abstract laws regarding any subject itself. An act that the cavemen and other animals can not do. In a very real sense, the current modern day human brain and human mind possesses the very unique ability to jump out of itself to understand the external and even internal various realms of life, whether biological, cosmic, or mental. There are different mental models and mental perceptions and conceptions regarding both the various aspects of life, but usually the topic of death remains what it seems to be to all living creatures, an invisible monster that is ready to trap any creature it can into the dark void of nothingness. But is this really the case?
Most human beings still identify themselves solely with their biological bodies of skin, bones, and blood, etc., as their sole and only sense of self, of their only sense of identity, of who they are as a person, as an individual life. So when those people assume that when their biological bodies stop moving, they are dead, they disappear into a state of absolute nothingness, because they watch and feel their own biological bodies wearing away through the various stages of biological life while living on earth. They also watch other biological bodies being buried in the ground, or burn into ashes, so they also assume that they, meaning their individual identity, will also be will be buried in the ground or it will be incinerated by the very hot heat of a flame until they are burnt up in smoke and ash. Kind of scary too. To live a complete life, only to go into a state of nothingness. How absurd! An living individual lives a life only to become a state of nothingness. The almost seems a ridiculous cosmic joke. But is it true? Is it real? Are there other possibilities other than a state called nothingness after the biological death?
What is the problem and what are the other issues related to this view regarding an individual self-awareness that is conscious of death, or an end of life, or a state of so-called nothingness? What are the main problems with human beings solely identifying themselves solely as a biological body instead of identifying themselves with their individual state of consciousness, regarding the issue and question of a personal egotistical identity? Some human beings identity themselves solely with their biological body, while other human beings realize that what values, qualities, and even memories, etc. play a much bigger role for their individual identity. This is especially true after the human biological body usually becomes secondary to the psychological mental make up of any human being, even as the human biological body goes through its stages of living. To be conscious of a biological human body is very different than being conscious of one’s individual self-consciousness, of what qualities that are deeply hidden within an individual human being’s human mind.
When does the individual human identity as a self becomes more than the biological human body, and more connected with their individual human mind consciousness, as a separate entity, as a state of an individualized consciousness? When does a human being become more mental than a physical, biological entity? When does an individual human being become more a state of consciousness than a biological body? Maybe for most human beings, those questions are not important at all, but for other human beings, their states of mind, of memories, emotions, values systems, dreams, and even fantasies can be more real, and more disturbing, and more important than their biological body.
Human beings normally identify themselves with their biological body more than their mind or consciousness, because they are born into it, they live with it, every second of their human lives. They have to feed it food, and they have to wash it, and clothe it, and take care of it, drive it around in a car, or in an airplane, etc. They see and hear with biological eyes and ears. And in plain terms, the biological body seems to be very solid, even for the most trained atomist. The human biological body lives on earth, and there are billions more human biological bodies on earth. The human biological body looks cute when it is a baby, then it grows bigger, and then it has its problems, esp. in old age. The international economy is largely based on taking care of the human biological body, in one way or another, while some religions try to save the human soul, in one way or another; but can a religion save a soul from death, or from the belief in a state of nothingness after the biological body stops moving? Some one needs to save the human race and the human soul from false religions. ( A different lecture for the future. )
But underneath the human skull, is a complex structure termed a brain. And within that brain, are states of consciousness, even if they are not fully understood, yet. Some brains are simple, other more complex and developed. With all due consideration, the modern day brain functions in many ways as the animal brain, but it also can accomplice many advanced tasks of abstract reasoning like rational thought, especially for dealing with all of modern day issues, economic and political, mathematical and musical, which include using the brain to use symbols for writing mathematical and musical symbols on paper for other human brains to read. But maybe even more importantly, it can think about philosophical and metaphysical issues such what is a person, what is a human being, what is an individual human self, what is God, what exactly is life in the first place. And if there is an afterlife, what exactly is it? Could an afterlife be located within a different state of consciousness, external to the brain, such as an astral consciousness, or a spiritual consciousness? In other words, “Is consciousness the key to the afterlife?” Is the human consciousness the only human quality that survives death of the body? An external state of consciousness which is separate from, but can be connected to the human brain; if it is understood.
Is a human being only a biological body with a brain inside a skull, with the ability to think and feel and to understand various intellectual areas of abstract awareness. Or is a human being more than all of that? That is a metaphysical question. The human brain and human mind seems to be a world all within itself, in a real sense, a separate entity from that of the human body, although they are obviously connected to each other. A brain and a mind that can remember the past, live in the present, while it perceives mentally into the future. Seeing and then planning for the future. A mental act that the human brain can do better than the other animal brains on earth, if the other brains on earth can perceive the future at all. Can the individual and collective human consciousness plan for a possible afterlife? In regards to death and dying, what are some of the differences between the purely animalistic consciousness and the human consciousness, even a deathless spiritual consciousness? Even if other animals felt as if they were dying, could they plan for their death? Do human beings plan the same way? With unbiased acceptance. Or is there a different answer?
In other words, what is the difference between the human consciousness of life, compared to the other creature’s state of consciousness while on earth? In many ways, the human brain and the animal brain are identical, but there are differences, one of which is abstract thinking and abstract conceptional rationalizing. What does that mean for the issue of the consciousness of life and death, and the afterlife? Can the human brain, and the human mind use abstract conceptional rationalizing to mentally perceive a new possibility to answer the most simplest question considering death ...which is... Could there be more to death than a state of nothingness?
Even if certain animal brains realized that their fellow buddies are dying or are dead or are killed in the fields of hunting, of fight or flight, of kill or be killed, what do they truly know, understand, about life and about living? As a definite state of consciousness? For millions of earth years, each animal species has remained constant, for as long as it could remain alive as a species; each animal or insect, or what ever species it may be. A tiger is always going to be a tiger, even after millions of years of longevity. A tiger’s sense of a self-consciousness is always going to remain a tiger consciousness. The tiger’s brain and consciousness can only develop to a certain point because its consciousness is aware of its body, life on earth, and of the basic functions of surviving. Not so for a human brain and the human consciousness.
Why? Because the human brain and the human consciousness have the very unique ability to mentally conceptualize all of the various mental areas of abstract reasoning, from math and music, to economics and politics, to the laws and structures of the universe, even the laws and structures of the amazing light wave. The human consciousness can literally mentally conceive and perceive in an afterlife. But does that ability make the afterlife real? In one real sense, the human mind can jump out of itself, to mentally investigate different aspects of life, and even death, which in turn helps to change the human mind’s perception of life too. The animal brain and consciousness will never be able to understand how and why a light wave works, nor will it be able to control it with controlled experiments, nor will it be able to make the tools and instruments to do such controlled experiments. The human brain and consciousness is completely different in that it can understand, manipulate, and use light waves and the laws behind them. What about understanding the laws of a spiritual life, of an eternal life, or an eternal state of consciousness? Of a deathless spiritual consciousness! The abstract laws of consciousness.
But for the sake of argument, lets state that a tiger’s brain has been changed over millions of years of longevity. How has it changed? Compared to the human brain, and human consciousness and its level of abstract reasoning, and its different states of abstract intelligence, and abstract conceptualizing, can a tiger’s mind preform math or music, or understand math or music, or understand how a light wave works its magic throughout the electromagnetic spectrum, or the abstract laws of the simplest laws of physics, economics, ...not to mention consciousness? The answer would be in the negative, even if they did possess some pensive moments while they roam the jungle, it could be very safe to state and assume that they do not, nor will ever compare to the human brain, and human mind’s unique ability to mentality conceptualize ‘invisible’ realms of abstract thinking, and different levels of abstract reality, such as the cosmic universe, nor a spiritual reality, and then be able to express themselves by way of symbols on paper and also in the mind. Common sense, some readers might state. What has those facts have to do with the consciousness of life and death?
Can a tiger or any other biological brain and consciousness conceive and perceive any other possibility other than a biological life? If yes, they can not express it, even if they too, experience an afterlife. If no, then the human brain and human consciousness, which is supposed to possess the ability to understand what the biological eye can not see, nor what the biological human ear can not hear, should be able to possess the ability to comprehend other possibilities to the issues of life and death too, even to begin to understand a new metaphysical and spiritual state of life, as a state of eternal consciousness.
This animalistic tiger essence of mental limitations probably still applies to most of the human race, even to the hopeful emotional religious thought, just as it has applied to most of the human race, at least in this current moment in history, and within the current state of collective human consciousness. But the human consciousness is constantly changing and transforming into new forms of mental perceptions regarding what reality truly is, both inside and outside the human mind’s very limited perceptions of reality. Ask any quantum physicist about their mental model of reality, and it will be very different than what the average, common human mind mentally perceives as reality.
Currently, most human beings still possess a state of mental development that is still very primitive, and in some cases, even animalistic. That means, never having developed higher states of abstract reasoning about anything at all; which includes higher states of mental perceptions, which included new and different states of consciousness. And for the most part, they do not care about developing the many and varied skills of an advanced abstract human mind, with mental models regarding anything at all. And they hope they will never have to develop their brain, or their mind, nor their individual self-consciousness in any way whatsoever. In short, they are very happy with seeing only with their biological eyes and listening with their biological ears, and using their hands to work, and put food in their mouths, and to drive their cars or trucks and boats, and to play all of the other games that humans play to keep themselves, and the local and international economy, happy.
On the other hand, there are those individual brains and minds that do use the higher abstract thinking, and mental realms of mental perception and reasoning for abstract thought regarding many different topics, mostly which are human minded in nature. In short order, the human mind tries to understand its own mysteries, and the mysteries of the cosmic universe, and of life and death, and even the possibility of an afterlife. The possibility of an afterlife, in one form or another, is a mental conception that human beings can think about, openly talk about, try to express, and more importantly, prepare for if they wish to prepare for a different state of life.
But it can not be accomplished with a biological state of consciousness. A completely different state of consciousness, an immaterial and spiritual consciousness is needed to consciously overcome a biological death. Some thinkers have stated that only a spiritual consciousness can overcome a biological sense of life and death. Overcoming death can only be accomplished within consciousness itself. There is no other answer! Therefore, the consciousness of a possible afterlife can be located within the individual self-consciousness of many individual minds all around the globe, in all cultures and on all continents. That has an influence on the collective human consciousness in general. But what if a spiritual consciousness was gained? A spiritual consciousness which knows nothing of death, or even of a biological death whatsoever!
In one real sense, the individual self-consciousness is connected to the collective human consciousness in which it exists, like a spider’s web of interconnections. So therefore, it does not matter what the human biological body looks like, if billions of human minds can understand more about life than the biological life, perceiving more and more about a different state of life in the afterlife, then the individual human self-consciousness will also be touched by this mental atmosphere too, whether they know it or not, or whether they accept it or not. This is true in other areas of the human mind’s perception of existence too. But does this new mental awareness of a possible afterlife make it a definite reality?
Another example is how the human mind viewed the external cosmic universe up to around 400 years ago is so different than how the human mind views the cosmic universe today. The comic universe was mentally viewed with very limited and false mental conceptions. Today, even the most simple minded human mind can know that the earth rotates around the sun, and not the other way around. Today, even the most simple minded human mind can know that there are billions of galaxies located throughout cosmic space, even if those simple human minds do not know or understand the cosmic universe, nor want to know all of the details concerning all of the up to date modern views regarding the cosmic universe. This change regarding the new views of the cosmic universe can also be applied to new views regarding the afterlife. The afterlife can not be seen with the human biological eye, but it can be seen with a new state of consciousness, with a new mental perception of life, with a new mental model.
This also applies to how the human mind views the different aspects of earthly life too. Today, the human mind understands many different physical and material processes that it did not understand centuries ago. DNA, chemistry, the atomic universe, weather patterns, how viruses are spread from place to place, and how plant life lives, and how it own biological body operates, esp. all of the internal organs. In other words, the general human mind has somewhat risen out of total ignorance regarding so many areas of life, while it still remains ignorant of the unavoidable moment of death. Which still remains a total mystery to most of the human race, including those emotional religionists who believe in outdated and outmoded fanciful concepts of God, but also to what happens to each individual at the moment of their biological death.
Why should this be? After all, if the human mind is exploring every aspect of life from the smallest ‘atom’ and smallest micro-cellular realms of existence to every possible aspect of the comic universe, and also how the human material brain works and operates, and then even deeper still to trying to analyze dreams, and the sub-conscious mind or consciousness, why not begin to truly analyze the dilemma of death, and the possibility that there is a part of each human being that lives on after their biological death. The only thing that could live on is their individual state of consciousness, and what qualities are in it. There can not be any other answer! Even if the biological body was transformed at the moment of death into a different body, it would still happen within consciousness. That is true even for the most materialistic mentally.
Now, after millions of years of biological evolution, and then devolution of the biological body, from the dinosaurs, to the human body, and then to the more important issue of the evolution of consciousness, up to and including the present age, there has been this simple mental mode or concept that life only exists in a biological body, no matter what that biological body may look like; a fish, a frog, a cow, a dinosaur, a dog or cat or bird, or caveman, or a human biological body. Most people collectively believe, conceive, expect, that when their biological body stops moving, that they are dead, gone into a state of absolute nothingness, with no hope of any other possibility. The issues of life and death can only be tackled and handle within consciousness, and new forms of consciousness are needed for the modern day human race, and esp. for the futuristic human race.
There truly is no other real answer to the issues of life and death. Why? Because for one reason, if the state of individual consciousness is not purely biological, then it could survive the moment of a biological death. Because even as life on earth continues, after the biological death of each human being, a living consciousness, as a life form continues in other realms of existence, in other universes that are even more immaterial than the current cosmic universe. Even now, there is talk of multi-universes and parallel universes by astrophysicists, etc., because they are mentally perceiving that the current cosmic universe that is seen with the human biological eye is very different from what even they, the so-called exerts, perceive it to be compared to what was mentally perceived with the biological human eye not so long ago, because of advanced information and knowledge.
Of course, there are those emotional religious minds that wander throughout their individual human lives hoping that they will become part of a religious heavenly atmosphere somewhere in outer space, or they are going to avoid an imaginative hellish fire, which is so true of individual minds who have never taken the time to bother studying the new discoveries of astrophysics, nor who became true scholars of books like the Bible, but who remain stuck within states of mental ignorance and states of limited mental conceptions and perceptions regarding life, death, and the afterlife. With the combination by using deductive reasoning, logic, new knowledge and information about all the various areas of life on earth, the cosmic universe, and the ‘invisible’ state called consciousness, the human race should come to a very definite mental conclusion that no telescope has yet discovered a heaven or hell up there in outer space. A heaven and a hell that was created by human beings who did not understand what was up there in outer space. But if a heaven and hell does exist, they would have to exist in a completely different realm (s) than what the human biological eye can see and behold.
That true statement alone should make all of those emotional religious minds blink, and hesitate at their own ignorance, and then spin around until they decide to accept different conclusions regarding the afterlife. The emotional religious mind needs to snap out of its mental delusions of what is or what is not up there in outer space, away from the planet earth, in the vast arena termed the cosmic universe. The emotional religious mind also needs to discover what the metaphysical concept of consciousness implies for the afterlife. Which of course only proves and demonstrates that there are still certain minds that want to live in their limited ignorant mental perceptions regarding any emotional religion, and in their ignorance of what is up there in the cosmic universe, and in the afterlife. These religious minds repeat religious words without ever realizing that simply repeating words is not preparing them for the afterlife.
Of course, the problem with that statement is that even the people who study the cosmic universe also do not have the answers regarding life and death because they are simply viewing, and perceiving the external cosmic universe with their limited human minds and brains and with very powerful telescopes and with their limited human conceptions regarding the cosmic universe. And if anything is true, it is this. There will always be ‘supernatural’ phenomena that the general and individual human mind will never be able to perceive, nor understand, eps. by the limited human brain. If there is an afterlife, how could the normal human brain and human mind ever see it? If the everyday human mind and brain ever truly saw the afterlife, how would that change the human race, and the robotic human religious mind?
So even though there are certain individual minds who study the cosmic universe, and who will stand in awe of the stars, galaxies, and the holistic universe and its development from the Big Bang up to its current state of existence, they too, still consider themselves solely biological bodies with limited brains, even if their individual awareness and mental perceptions of the cosmic universe are completely different than the visual simple white dots in the black night sky perception of the human mind up until 400 years ago. So even the physical scientists do not really deal with the subject of death; even though they probably wonder about it too.
Just as the caveman began to comprehend that their fellow cavemen were dead, and they started to experience feelings and emotions related to their dead, so too can the modern mind become aware of something external to itself, such as being aware of the external cosmic universe, sometimes termed a cosmic consciousness, it can now become truly aware of an external afterlife, even with a different form of consciousness. It could be hypothesized that once the human mind started to become not only aware of the stars as white spots in the dark night sky and then once the human mind actually began to view the cosmic universe with high power telescopes, and radio waves, and then to truly understand the heavenly sky, and then to travel into outer space by way of space ships, it could hardly be denied that the human consciousness was changed forever. Instead of being trapped on earth, both physically and mentally, it now possess a truer mental conception of the cosmic universe, thereby setting the human spirit free in the imagination, within the mind, but also to set the mind free from total ignorance about where the earth is in relation to the sun, but also setting the human mind and spirit free from the limitations of being trapped on earth by the physical biological body too!
Not only was consciousness changed from ignorance to a different level of enlightenment regarding the cosmic universe, but the human consciousness was changed with the possibility of greater possibly of a new and different states of self-consciousness, (in this case, a cosmic consciousness) which meant it could change into other forms or states of consciousness too; by expanding, mutating, changing, and understandingly transforming an old ignorant limited awareness into different state of cosmic consciousness. Could the same be stated for understanding an afterlife, or having a consciousness that perceives that the life of consciousness is eternal. Could it be that the modern day individual human self-consciousness is eternal, even if it does not understand it? Yet!
The general human thought, the general human mind is probably not aware of the fact that they are living in an different age, with a different brain, with a different consciousness, with different mental tools for perceiving and conceiving the deeper issues of life, and death. It is taken for granted, as if our present state of consciousness is so truly so new and different, that most human minds do not understand the ramifications of these statements. That means that this newness also includes with it new and different metaphysical aspects too. It can not help but be otherwise! Meta means above, higher...than something. Metaphysics is a general term for thinking about realms that are above the real of physics, and its laws. Even modern day physicists are using the term metaphysics in dealing with their problems. Check out the book titled, “Information and the Nature of Reality: From Physics to Metaphysics. Edited by Paul Davies and Niels Gregersen.
So, is there a hint that there could be an afterlife after the death of the biological body? The answer is yes, is because the modern day human consciousness has been forced to arrive to a new point in the development within consciousness, even as it still possess a biological body. Are there hints that an individual human consciousness is different from and even can be separate from the biological body? Is there a simple, yet profound hint of an afterlife?
The answer is yes!
One simple hint would be the Out Of Body Experience. (OBE) An OBE is an experience when a human being’s individual self-consciousness is forcefully popped out of the body, usually by an accident, or in an emergency room, or at moments of a close call with dying and death. Some human minds try to consciously achieve the OBE by different methods. What this means is that while the biological body is stranded on earth, usually close to death, or actually having died, the individual human self-consciousness is transported away from the biological body, so it ‘floats’ in the ‘astral’ realm above the biological body and even possibly within an non-atomic universe. A non-atomic universe should be investigated by thinkers.
In the OBE, the individual self-consciousness can see without biological eyes, hear without biological ears, and it can know without the human brain. It may be non-atomic too. That would imply that maybe the whole consciousness, or at the very least a certain aspect of consciousness, is non-atomic, non-biological, even immaterial, and at the very very least, can be totally spiritual. As if the human soul as a true state of consciousness is indeed spiritual, and not material. That means that this state of self-awareness would also be able to transcend this space-time realm, and travel within different space-time realms. In other words, if people are leaving their biological bodies and then return to them later, as a very real experience, that could happen at the moment of the biological death too? Except without returning to the biological body! Or with a different non-biological body in a different space-time universe. The problem for humans on earth is that there is a transitional stage for all earth departing souls. So, there seems to be no direct experience with one state of consciousness with another state of consciousness.
This one example is the modern day experience that people of all types are experiencing more and more, before they are actually dead, biologically speaking. Now, there is no way that I know of to know if people throughout history, in different ages, and different civilizations, also experienced out of body experiences as so-called modern day human beings are experiencing currently. But does the fact that people can and are experiencing out of body events mean that there is life after death? Could it mean that there are other universes / realms / spheres which are different space-time realms that are separate, yet can be connected to this current space-time dimension? Many cosmic scientists write and talk about multi-universes and even parallel universes, that copy or that are similar to this cosmic universe. But could they have it totally wrong. Why? Because if there are multi-universes, and parallel universe, they could be and are different than this cosmic universe. That is stated for the recorded! If there are different universes next to ours, why could they not be completely different than our universe?
Here is the main point. If more and more people are experiencing out of body experiences, even if they do not want or expect them, or even know about them, and they are floating above their biological bodies in a different realm (s), commonly termed the astral sphere, then that would mean that their individual state of consciousness is not connected to their biological body, and that they can still see and ear as if they were still stuck in their brain. It would mean that even though their individual self-consciousness would be, even temporarily, not located within the brain or the body, and possibly not even in the atomic universe, even if it was partly in or connected to the atomic universe, then there is no reason why this experience could not occur at the moment of biological death too
When this astral consciousness returns to is biological body, it would know something that it was not aware of before. It would be aware of a new non-material life state of existence, or a different state of consciousness that would and does change their human mental perception of death forever. Namely that there is a possibility that their newly discovered purely non-biological self, as a state of self-awareness, could live on after their biological body stops moving. Now it could be that the human self-consciousness changes at the exact moment when it believes that its individual biological body is about to die, and / or does die, so it changes from one form of consciousness to another form of consciousness, so it can be located in the astral sphere.
If people leave there biological bodies after death, and then exist and travel in the astral sphere, where do they go after they leave earth? Possibly to a different space/time universe! What is the new concept of an individual humans self? Can an individual self-consciousness be deathless, be eternal? People who experience the out of body experience never again believe in their biological death as a state of nothingness. Never again! They will rarely talk or mention it, but I have heard and listened to many OBE from many types of people.
This new phenomena which seems to happen more and more, proves that if the cave people did not have out of body experiences and modern day people do have them, then something is very different in the two different collective states of individual and collective consciousness. Either by the different structures of the two different brains, and by the different states of mental perceptions of life, and of what constitutes the individual human self. Furthermore, the modern day individual and collective human consciousness are constantly changing, transforming, with new states of information and knowledge regarding life in all its various and possible various life forms, as nature itself has provided as an earthly guide that there are forces, realms of existence, outside the human self, eternal to the human mind, which states that life can take shape in many different various biological forms, and also non-biological forms, on so many different levels, or in other words, a multi-dimensional consciousness of life.
In other words, with new states of understanding of what life is even in biological forms, and with different states of mental models of life and different states of consciousness, the external manifestations are going to be different for the human self and for the collective human race than it would have been for the primitive cave people. Furthermore, with different states of consciousness that seems to be partly connected to the biological body, yet at times totally dissociated and sometimes even separate from the biological body, at least for some individual human beings, the concept of death becomes more a question, an issue, of what life is both before the biological body seems to be dead, and after it actually dies, or seems to die. What exactly is Life, as in the absolute state of Life called God? If God is a deathless eternal Life, as is stated in a few books, then the concept of a nothingness death is meaningless, and void of any reality; external or internal to the human mind and consciousness.
Some individual human minds might consider the following statement, “If their views regarding life were different before they died, then their views regarding death would also be different before they died a biological death, because in one very real sense, their individual self-consciousness has already touched eternal life long before their biological death. In other words, if life itself is understood to be more than purely biological life form, then the issue of what life truly is becomes the important question and issue, and death becomes almost a non-issue, a non-event... in one sense. In one very real way, the biological body is already becoming secondary to the qualities of the mind, to the life of the mind, to the life of consciousness itself, even though human beings still walk on two feet and use their biological eyes for seeing the world around them. Deeper mental models are becoming the norm in many areas of life, mental models that are abstract in nature, but which have an influence on the external physical and material world and of life on earth. In other words, a true sense of metaphysics is becoming more important than the realm of ordinary physics.
Now, two facts present themselves to the human race and to each individual human mind that the cave people did not possess. One is that the modern human mind is more a state of consciousness than just a simple brain, and two, the cosmic universe itself is not solid. If the mental states of individual human minds are becoming more and more immaterial while at the same time the cosmic universe is also currently understood to be an immaterial entity, or not a pure solid entity like a solid rock; then with the combination of those two facts, an immaterial states of consciousness and an immaterial universe, the very deep implications are clear. When the mind becomes more purely mental instead of biological, and when the cosmic universe becomes an external universe where atoms, light waves, etc. can travel as invisible states, and why could not the invisible individual state of OBE consciousness also travel through the cosmic void of space and time, even into different realms and into different universes altogether?
It is as if the current understanding of the cosmos is leading the human mind’s self-awareness out of itself more and more, to higher states of conscious understanding, which is also impacting the human individual self to perceive that maybe there is a cosmic and earthly life which is not only immaterial, but which is also totally spiritual, with that spirituality impacting the human mind to break out of its mental shell, to see beyond the caveman’s way of seeing life on earth, the cosmos, and the life within the mind. The problem with that statement is that with this acknowledgment of an external cosmic universe, also implies an external spiritual God which is different than any sense of biological life on earth, and also different than the cosmic universe, but influencing them anyway. Imagine that! A real Intelligent Spiritual God that is completely different than life on earth and completely different than the cosmic universe, but influences the development of consciousness development and evolution.
A totally separate realm called Spirit, which is God, which is a completely different realm than what the human mind can conceive and perceive as a spiritual reality, but which is even more real than the astral realm. If the human mind can begin to understand the non-human realm of true spirituality, can begin to understand their true spiritual nature which is deathless, then when the human mind starts to identify itself with the spiritual instead of the seemingly material and the physical, then the deathless state of existence begins to manifest itself within the human consciousness as an even larger possibility than an astral life.
In one very real sense, the individual and collective human mind is being pushed, being forced into this direction of a metaphysical deathless, spiritual life, whether it wants it or not. There is one person of all the people who ever lived, that is a true example of an individual demonstration regarding overcoming death. That person was Jesus the Christ. Now I know how the robotic religious mind thinks about Jesus. The robotic religious mind believes that Jesus was God, which even he stated that he was not. But it is stated that he knowingly overcame death, not because he was God, (which by the way, that is never stated in the Bible), but because his true spiritual Christ Consciousness was at one with the God that is Life. That was his individual self-consciousness, which is how and why he overcame the death of his earthly human biological body. "Jesus proved by the prints of the nails, that his body was the same immediately after death as before." pg. 486. Science and Health. Mary Baker Eddy.
In other words, even though Jesus seemed to possess a very limited biological body while he walked on earth, he also possess the spiritual Christ Consciousness, which is not biological in nature, nor is it limited to the space-time universe, or even to the human mind. And because Jesus possess the spiritual Christ Consciousness, he was able to prove that spiritual consciousness in many ways, including rising his biological body up from the universal belief in death, or from that state of nothingness which is usually associated with death. Of course, Jesus was not in a state of mental nothingness, nor was his spiritual Christ Consciousness.
The simplistic religionist views Jesus as God because the simplistic religionist is mentally viewing the issues of life and death, of God and evil, with a one dimensional mental model, or a one dimensional state of consciousness. Which is only one reason for this backward train of thinking about the Bible, Jesus, and all metaphysical and spiritual issues. The only solution to answering any issue of life and death, of God and Jesus, or any truly spiritual issue, or any metaphysical issue, is with a mental model of multi-dimensionally, or with a multi-dimensional state of consciousness, which means an multi-dimensional understanding of life on earth and the Life which is God, the great eternal I AM. If human consciousness transcends its own mental limitations regarding the cosmic universe, then it should also be able to transcend its own mental limitations regarding what life is, and what death is not.
Water can be liquid, ice, or steam. And the truly fascinating aspect of that fact, is that not only is water multi-dimensional in nature, but the human mind can know that fact, and then it can understand why that fact is real and true, too! Truly amazing! Why? Because all of the other biological brains can not understand that fact, nor why water can be a solid, a steam, or a liquid.
Just as a Master Metaphysician such as a Jesus was a multi-dimensional being, so too, can modern human beings begin to understand what Jesus understood, as his true spiritual self-hood called the Christ Consciousness. But even so, what took place over two thousand years ago is presenting itself in new forms of life in the modern age, because of new states of consciousness with the new information and knowledge, and new states of intelligence, which leads to new states of spiritual enlightenment about life on all levels of existence. That new knowledge and information regarding life and death, becomes intertwined within the new states of each individual human self-consciousness, and even within the collective human consciousness called the human race.
Included within that multi-dimensional state of consciousness is the enlighten awareness that God is a Divine Mind, a state of Divine Intelligence, which does not see or know death, but which also forces and impels the conscious mental advancement toward the conscious understanding that real life is a state of an eternal spiritual consciousness, even if human beings still experience a biological death, while on earth. But that if this Divine Mind only knows Life, then so too, should the human mind and human consciousness should only know life and Life, both while living before death, and after death too. On the other hand, to blame any notion of God for all of the human death from other human beings who kill other human beings is not fair to God, no matter what this God is.
In any case, even though these are different times than when Jesus the Christ lived, there is more modern day evidence, than a simple religious belief about a divine human person who lived and then overcame death over 2000 years ago. There is new evidence that even non-religious people are experiencing different phenomena regarding the metaphysical issues of life and death. But one thing is most definitely certain. With new states of consciousness comes different states of mental and physical phenomena too. The modern age is advancing towards new states of consciousness, whether it understands it, wants to understand it, or wants to accepts the new states of consciousness.
It seems to be that what Jesus and others have experienced will one day become the norm for the human race. And when that day arrives, even the whole cosmic universe will not hide the mysteries of life and death. Nor will the human ignorance of life and so-called death, and the afterlife. But it will be collectively discovered that God who is only Life, as in eternal Life, who made man in the image and likeness of itself! But not as a biological entity, because God is not a biological entity. But as a deathless, spiritual image in the Mind of God.
Once those eternal truths and Truth are realized and understood by the collective human race, then all false religions will be vanquished into nothingness, and war should be known no more. Because when mankind realizes that killing other human beings biological bodies will not actually kill them, as a state of individual and collective consciousness, then the insanity of war and killing and murder will be understood to be void of logic and reason. When a new sense of both life and living replace the concept of killing and death, a new collective human race will be born in a new age of intelligent enlightenment. And then mankind will have a hopeful peaceful future on earth, and in the afterlife too!
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- George D. Patnoe., Jr!!!
- When I was in college studying International Economics/Finance, I was also wondering how to develop a more powerful brain. So in 2001,I began a very specialized ambidextrous brain exercise program, for two hours per day,for many years. Those brain exercise began with me writing out words,mostly verbs, with both hands in different patterns.That developed into dual handed sentence writing to longer stories and dual handed drawing exercises.Details are for future books.I did these two hour brain workouts as a personal experiment to restructure my brain's neurons for the purpose of making my brain stronger for writing and language development; for logically creative storying writing.As far as I know, I am the only person in the course of history to have developed these ambidextrous hand/brain exercises.The purpose of these ambidextrous brain exercises is to strenghten both sides of the brain for language skills development, and to connect both sides of the brain together for language skills development. There is a very logical neurological reason for using two hands to write and draw as brain exercises. I also draw with both hands. 52 Stories is my testament!
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